Astros is a community dog run. There are no paid staff, just members who pay a fee (but it’s free right now!) to help cover the costs of operating the space.
The Port Authority owns the land that the dog run is located on and is kind enough to let us use the space.
A group of members has recently come together to form a community board to help govern the space and interface with the various organziations connected with the space (Port Authority, Community Board 4, Hells Kitchen Neighborhood Association).
What We’ve Achieved
A few months back, several members got together to try and figure out the best way to help manage the dog run after unsuccessfully contacting the prior coordinator. The feedback we received from several City organizations connected to the park and members is that a multi-member advisory board was necessary to avoid the problems of the past and ensure better operation of the dog run.
Formed an acting advisory board (2 members secured, seeking 2 more).
Met with and obtained the blessing of the Port Authority (who owns the land), Community Board 4 (that oversees community issues where the park is located) and the Hell’s Kitchen Neighborhood Association. They all want to see the dog run thrive and believe that having an advisory board in place will best serve the member’s needs.
Secured additional keys from the Port Authority to help replenish lost keys.
Obtained prior web domain (had been shut down).
Relaunched website - www.astrosdogrun.com
Created an Instagram account for members to share dog run pics (@astrosdogrun).
Lights at park have been fixed so all work now.
Replenished tools to keep the park tidy (brooms, rakes, shovels, etc.)
Added poop bag dispenser and keep it regularly stocked.
Removed 2 tree stumps and 2 planter boxes that limited use in the park.
Added solar lights for better lighting, especially in summer when solar works better.